Optimal management of patients with solid tumors, depending on the tumour type, includes measurement of serum tumour markers levels. Serum tumour markers are heterogeneous molecules with concentrations elevated in persons with solid tumours, but could also be found in small amounts in plasma of healthy individuals. Elevated plasma concentrations are caused by cell changes, necrosis, changed expression or secretion of different molecules. In some tumour types tumour cells by themselves could stimulate other cells to secrete particular molecules.
There are several serum tumour markers in the routine clinical praxis: CEA, CA 19-9, CA15-3, CA 125, CYFRA, NSE, PSA, HCG, AFP, LDH, thyreoglobulin. There are also several serum tumour markers in experimental use, waiting to be included into the routine clinical use. National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) practice guidelines for use of tumour markers in clinical practice are designated to encourage more appropriate use of serum tumour marker tests by general medicine practitioners, surgeons, oncologists, and other health care professionals giving care to patients with solid tumours. Remont puso zaryadnoe ustrojstvo dubna m 620.
ReliefWeb is the leading humanitarian information source on global crises and disasters. It is a specialized digital service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA. A joint meeting between experts of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the BHDCA’s senior management and staff marked the beginning of a 7-day ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking place from 18-25 February 2019.